Blueberries & Crack

Let's be honest, anyone who knows me knows I am OBSESSED with the gym. I would seriously quit a job, drop a man (is this why I am still single!?), or change around another excessive habit if I found it was interfering with my workout routine. But even with all that said, I have definately hit a plateau.
The culprit: My Appetite.
My breakfast is very "on-the-go" and I snack far too often. So I have decided to take my fitness journey to the internet and publically disclose my goal. This way, the next time I eat an entire country....I will feel at least an ounce of shame.
Deciding how to deal with this was tough. Admittedly, I do not know as much about fitness & nutrition as I should considering I have been doing this for eight years. I am far too lazy to research and I just don't understand....molecules.
The lack of research really does catch up to the first time I walked into Nutrition House looking for a meal replacement and I described what undoubtedly sounded like crack:
"...Hi I am looking for something that won't make me gain weight and doesn't taste disgusting! I also want something low in protein so when I lift weights I won't become a 'Little Arnold'. Essentially I am looking for a type of mix I can take every morning, that'll make me feel full, give me an energy boost yet involve zero calories/fat!?"
This was a failed attempt at amping up my fitness regiment but to be real, the research ain't about to start now either. So I am going to go off the little I know.... 1) Oatmeal is good for you. 2) so are fruits. and 3) empty yogurt tubs make for great containers! So here is my vow:

I, Uthumi Senanayake, hereby solemnly swear, to supplement my breakfast and countless mid day snacks with oatmeal & fruits, packed in an empty yogurt tub, for the next 30 days. After this period, I will report back to my following (of which is likely solely my mother, Hi Mom!) and share the results.
Disclaimer: Start date is November 30th.